
Friday, May 5, 2017

Springtime is for Tulips and Mccalls 7542

I am not much of a band-wagoner, but some trends cannot be ignored. Mccalls 7542 is fast becoming a very popular make in the sewing community. 

When it was initially released, I passed on it in favor of other choices. I love the sleeve options, but I thought it was a bit boxy and too short. Those are simple tweaks, but I passed on it. THEN, I started seeing the variations on Instagram and starting falling in love with it.  I found it on sale a second time so, I decided to buy it.


I made the tulip sleeve view using double-layer cotton jersey in reverse applique. I cut the pieces in my ready to wear size. This is my usual pattern conversion for jersey hand-stitching. This makes the top close-fitting, eliminating the ease. In addition, I added about 3-inches to the length and lowered the neckline by 1-inch. I sewed it with a combination of machine and hand-sewing techniques. 

To begin, I airbrushed cream-colored paint on the top layer of fabric using my flower stencil. I then added it to the back layer and stitched them together using a 5.0 stitch length using a ball point Chrome needle from Schemtz.  


Once all cut, I carefully cut the middles of the shapes taking care not to cut the bottom layer.


I really love these sleeves! I have nothing like them in my wardrobe and they really elevate a simple top.

The body of the top is made in double layers. I added a third layer to the sleeves to mask the bobbin threads on the underside. Once inserted in the body of the top, I trimmed the seam allowance of the sleeve head to reduce bulk.

To finish the neckline, I added a bias strip of jersey and stitched it in place using a hand-sewn chain stitch.

I love all the texture in this top.  As a final step, I felled the seams to the sides and top-stitched them by hand-sewing them to the back. I left the bottom of the top un-hemmed with a raw edge.

I really like this top and the drama of the sleeves. I will certainly make this again and definitely the other views. 

Happy Sewing,


  1. FYI- most of the images in your post are not showing up?

    1. Thanks so much for telling me! I will fix that.

  2. This is simply gorgeous! I love how you use wonderful techniques on simple styles to elevate them to the next level. It's a wonderful interpretation of the pattern.

  3. I didn't like this pattern at all, that is until I saw yours. Love it and this may go on my to make list. It is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks! I wasn't keen on it until I knew I wanted to make it this way. I am glad I gave it a second look.

  4. I really like what you did with this. I also like the fit changes you made and will keep them in mind if I make this pattern...because like you, I passed it but the first time, but then went back to get it when it went on sale again. :) This looks great on you!

    1. Thanks! I wasn't a fan of the boxy woven versions I have seen​.

  5. Your treatment of the fabric, stencilling, airbrushing, cutting and all that hand-stitching, WOW! Just WOW! And as far as the pattern, this has to be my favourite take of the sleeve trend.

  6. I love the fabric you created and the top is fabulous! I too just finished making this top but I used the flounce. Nice to see this version with the tulip sleeve - very pretty.

    1. Thanks Tomasa! Your version is very nice, I like that flounce.

  7. This has been such a cool pattern, and people have been so creative with it. It's destined to be a Best of 2017 Pattern on PR! I love the extra flare of the tulip sleeves and this style works really well in the reverse applique. Did you use your Terial Magic for this one?

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I agree, this one will be on the list. I ran out of T.M. and didn't want to wait on my shipment. Fortunately, the density of the fabric and needle worked here.

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