
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Adrienne Blouses for Me and My Mini


For years, I have coordinated outfits for myself and my kids. Up until now, most of the outfits I have coordinated with Little Miss have been my idea. I would suggest something I thought we would both like. If she agreed; I would make them. Over the course of the last year, she has been in virtual school and has had a very casual attitude about what she wears. She has sourced my stash on multiple occasions to make lounge pants and shirts using my vinyl cutting machine. Basically, as a preteen during a pandemic, she has been doing her own thing and we have let her.

The Adrianne Blouse by Friday Pattern Company is very popular pattern and I love seeing people make it up and share on Instagram. 

I am not a fan of printing, taping and cutting PDF patterns so I almost passed on this one out of an irrational extra work spite. I have often complained about PDF's or the delay in ordering AO printing. My hubby shared it does not bother him and has volunteered to do them for me! He is amazing and I love him so! The world of PDF pattern has opened to me and I  decided to stop sleeping in this pattern.


I love the Bullet Knits offered by Nature's Fabric. (If you are unfamiliar with this awesome fabric, you can read all about them here.) When 
Little Miss saw the  Dreamy Skies  print , she decided it was time to retire pandemic wear and requested that I make her a blouse as well! I welcomed the change and agreed without a hesitation.

For her version, I made the size small based on her measurements.

There were no real fit issues with it, but she preferred I shorten the elastic at the shoulders so the sleeves stay up. Given this tweak, the XS with this fabric, would have fit her just fine, but she likes a looser fit and ease of the size small.

She does not like the feel of elasticized sleeves, so I omitted them giving her the billowy Summer top of her dreams.

For my version, I used Glitter Stripe Bullet Knit. It sold out fast, but there are a lot of others for you to choose from.

I made the size medium extended to the 4x length, the longest length of the pattern. I don't mind the elastic of the sleeves so I kept them.

I love the volume and drama of the sleeve of this simple blouse. 

I also love the off-the-shoulder adjustment to the sleeve..

It is interesting to note, there are three pattern pieces to this blouse each cut twice. The sleeve and body pieces look similar. I saw someone accidentally confused the two in construction and it still resulted in a wearable blouse.  

I love this blouse. I love it so much I have plans for many more including another in this  Geometric Bullet Knit. With the way Little Miss is eyeing it, I may be making two again.

Hope you are well. 

Happy Sewing,


  1. I don't always tell you just how much I love your email. The nice thing about this one is the young folks in it. You always impress!

  2. Beautiful tops! I especially like your fabric and appreciate your sharing the information about it. You both look great in your new tops!

  3. Both tops are beautiful and I love that you were able to use the pattern for both you and your daughter!

    1. Thanks Carolyn!
      We are at the stage where I am buying two of the same pattern, one in her size, one in mine.
